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#Trulondon Featured Track Leader: Johnny Campell (@recruiterBlog)

One of the things I really like about hosting #tru events, is that every time we have an event, someone stands out as a track leader for future events. part by knowledge, personality, take on things and willingness to share their thoughts with others. Johnny is one of those people. After attending #truManachester, Johnny Campbell is one of those people.

Johnny (@recruiterblog) is a Career Recruiter who is passionate about social media and technology and who claims that he is absolutely loves his job! After 12 years of sourcing and placing candidates with clients in different parts of the world, he now helps hiring organisations and external recruiters to build talent communities on social networks and develop talent acquisition strategies that utilise leading edge technology.

Johnny teaches the CIPD accredited Certified Internet Recruiter course and regularly speaks at conferences (and in the pub) on the potential of social media as a recruitment tool.  His new company, Social Talent, launches in January 2011.
I know you will all enjoy Johnny’s lively personality and Irish wit, as well as learn from his knowledge, gained at the coal face.


Johnnys Recruiter Blog

Buy tickets for #truLondon

One comment on “#Trulondon Featured Track Leader: Johnny Campell (@recruiterBlog)

  1. Hi Bill. This is an encouraging, grow your own, idea. I’m off to check Johnny out – y’see – it’s working already!

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